All about AnneWant to know more about Dr. Anne Innis Dagg? JGC member, Mariana, interviewed Anne so that we could all learn some fun facts about her! What’s your favourite color? Orange and brown, just like the patterns on the giraffe! What is your favorite dessert? I love ice cream! Who doesn’t? Out of all the books you wrote, which is your favourite? The Giraffe: Its Biology, Behavior and Ecology because zoologists and people who love giraffes found out about me that way! What is your favorite giraffe fact?They have ossicones! They are technically neither horns or antlers. Male giraffes use their ossicones as a weapon when they fight. If you could go back in time to when you went to Africa, would you do anything differently? I don’t think I would change anything actually. I believe my work in Africa was perfect. I was able to do and accomplish just what I wanted. What snacks did you eat when you were in Africa? When I was in Africa, I loved eating peanuts as a snack. If you could know the complete truth of one question, what would it be? Are all giraffes one species? Who’s your favorite book character?I don’t have a favorite book character because I only read about animals! When and where were you born?I was born on January 25th, 1933 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. When did your passion for giraffes begin? When I was 4 years old, I saw my first giraffe at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, which began my love for the tallest animal in the world! What was you and your family’s favorite game? Rumoli and Scrabble were favorites in the Dagg family. I would adjust the rules of Scrabble so that any animal word would count as double the points! What was one thing you did as a kid for fun?Growing up, I went to the local library and I wanted to read all of the books starting with the letter A. I made it as far as the letter L! What is your favourite sandwich?My favourite sandwich is peanut butter and lettuce on whole wheat bread. Are you left handed or right handed?I was born left handed! What is your favourite drink?My favourite drink is milk with Quik chocolate flavoring.